18-Apr-19 | News

A unique ambulatory assistive device which is designed to permit upright, hands-free mobility, and to reduce falls!

Ease of mobility is critical in daily life. However, many struggle to walk safely, securely, and comfortably. The LifeGlider™ designed to reduce the fear of falling and the fatigue sometimes associated with struggling to walk.


The patented LifeGlider represents an evolution in assistive mobility devices, and is unique in that it secures the user’s centre of gravity. This enables upright posture and encourages proper gait, balance and greater confidence as the fear of falling disappears. Securing the body’s centre also frees the hands, since gripping the device is not necessary. (No need to hold the device – the device holds you.) The arms can swing naturally, contributing to proper gait, or the hands can be used for other tasks.

This link takes you to the LifeGlider website

Potential Benefits of Being Upright, Hands-Free, And Mobile

  • Reduced anxiety from fear of falling and greater confidence when upright
  • Reduced cognitive load associated with constantly monitoring risks and obstacles to safe movement
  • Ease of daily activities
  • Improved ability to interact socially
  • Eye level contact with others
  • Increased ability to exercise safely
  • Increased muscle and bone strength
  • Improved digestion and circulation
  • Maintenance of good posture, balance
  • Ability to move using proper gait
  • Reduced stress associated with constant device management
  • Ability to walk indoors or outdoors
  • Ability to relax arms while walking
  • Ability to use hands while walking