Everyone here at Microlink are so happy you’ve reached your goal and we can supply you the truly amazing Eye Gaze technology, it’s a wonderful piece of equipment that will help Eleanor communicate and how lucky she is to have such a wonderfully caring brother. Everyone at Microlink feels so proud and privileged to help them both.
A great Story to read!
“Fund raising appeal to give our daughter a voice… Our amazing 11-year old son is giving up his voice so that his sister can gain hers, please sponsor his efforts…more details below As some of you are aware my daughter Eleanor has quadriplegic cerebral palsy and epilepsy due to a rare genetic condition, Incontinentia Pigmenti, she cannot sit unaided, walk or talk and relies entirely on those around her for support and positioning. She was also blind until 2018 when she spontaneously regained her vision in an event that science has yet to explain. Although Eleanor thinks like a normal 15-year-old, she is trapped in a body she cannot control and has been limited to signing yes and no with her left arm to answer questions since she was two. Because of the severity of Eleanor’s disability and her original blindness we were unable to identify a suitable communication system until recently. Having regained her sight after 13 years of being blind Eleanor is now at a point where she can use her vision to control an Eye-gaze communication system which will enable her to proactively communicate for the first time in her life. This is an amazing opportunity and Eleanor is extremely excited that she may soon have a voice. “