28-Sep-20 | News

Building Connections to make Inclusion an Everyday Reality

National inclusion week webinar

Digital Partnership event

 Each One – Reach One “Building Connections to make Inclusion an Everyday Reality”

 Thursday 1st October 2020, 12:30 – 14:30 Zoom

Subject: National Inclusion Week Partnership Event
When: 01 October 2020 12:30-14:30 Europe/London.
Register HERE

  •  12:30 Welcome

Councillor Judith Blake, Leader of Leeds City Council

Tom Riordan, Chief Executive, Leeds City Council

 A welcome and few words from the Leader and the Chief Executive of Leeds City Council about our path to inclusion and how we can work together to be a fully inclusive city.

  •  12:45 Introduction and framework of event

Shaid Mahmood, Chief Officer (Communities), Leeds City Council 

 Continuing on from the welcome from the Leader and the Chief Exec, Shaid will explain the idea behind having a cross-city event for National Inclusion Week and will introduce the themes behind the three breakout sessions.

  • 12:50 Breakout sessions
  1. Career progression and development – challenging barriers and supporting personal development

Lead by Bela Gor, Head of Content, Legal & Campaigns,

Business Disability Forum (TBC)

 A conversation space for people to talk about barriers to progression, how we can balance development with the need to “keep the lights on” in our workplaces plus how do we continue to progress (personally, professionally and with Equality and Diversity) in complex landscapes like we’re currently in.

  1. Digital inclusion: increasing opportunities for digitally inclusive workplaces

Lead by Dr. Nasser Siabi, OBE;  CEO, Microlink PC (UK) Ltd

A conversation space for how technology brings us together but also can heighten the distance between us. How do we tackle the disconnect workers are feeling and how can technology help us create fully inclusive workplaces where all our employers are empowered to engage.


  1. Supporting the change in workplace cultures – the challenge of creating inclusive workplaces

Lead by Andy Dodman, Chief Officer (HR), Leeds City Council

A conversation space to talk about changing workplace cultures – has COVID helped or hindered with this? The enduring conversation about how we deal with “banter”, identifying and challenging this in restorative ways whilst also helping staff who endure these micro-aggressions through changing with workplace.

  •  13:30 Feedback from breakout sessions

Sharing the key points from each of breakout sessions to the wider discussion group.

  • 13:35 Keynote

Kim Chaplain, Associate Director for Work at Centre for Ageing Better

 A keynote speech from Kim about the work that is being done at the Centre for Ageing Better, how workplaces can be age-friendly especially with an ageing workforce and how inclusion only benefits everyone.

  •  14:00 Panel discussion

Cath Roff, Director, Adults & Health, Leeds City Council

Bela Gor, Head of Content, Legal & Campaigns, Business Disability Forum

Dr. Nasser Siabi, OBE, CEO, Microlink PC (UK) Ltd

An open panel to discuss some of the key areas of discussion that arose from the breakout sessions earlier in the partnership event and also for each panellist to talk about their own journeys to inclusion, what we can learn from each other and how we bring about lasting positive change.

 14:25 Close

Andy Dodman, Chief Officer (HR), Leeds City Council

Summing up some of the key messages or themes that have come from the event and encouraging further cross-working, partnership action to ensure Leeds is a fully inclusive city to live and work in.