Congratulations to Haringey Area Partnership for attaining Youth Justice SEND Quality Lead Status redesignation with a Child First Commendation
Haringey Area Partnership has been tireless in its pursuit of better outcomes for children with SEND within, or at risk of entering, youth justice pathways. Their first Quality Lead Award in 2020 celebrated an array of outstanding practice across the board, including robust and effective partnership working between the Youth Justice and SEND Team, the development of multi-agency Risk Management and Resettlement panels, a full time YJS Education Officer and Co-located professionals including a Health Nurse and a CAMHS Nurse. The Haringey Strategic Plan at the time focussed on work as well as reducing reoffending rates.
The last three years have witnessed significant developments in line with this ambition and intent, embracing fully Child First principles and practice:
- Children are active agents within staff recruitment and interview procedures, in producing media, representation to All Party Parliamentary Groups, logo design and redecoration… The development of self-identity is seen as crucial
- The co-located team has grown to include SaLT (Speech and Language Therapist) provision
- Relationships with the SEND Team and Virtual School have strengthened further, with a clear joint commitment to support children on a case-by-case basis past the statutory age “cliff-edges” that sometimes impede continuity of provision. It must be further stated that the SEND Team received the highest rating in a recent joint Area Inspection carried out by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission
- Liaison with the police has resulted in significant changes to the Wood Green Custody Suite provision to make it more child-friendly- positive intervention work begins immediately. Every child entering a youth justice pathway receives a holistic assessment, which includes close liaison with the education estate
- Improvements in reaction and response have been matched by a growth in preventative work; Turn Around funding is targeting 12-16 year-old children in up to five schools with an aim to reduce the possibility of suspension and expulsion from school
- Finally, Haringey is a major partner in the London Accommodation Pathfinder initiative: a project to develop an integrated 24-hr multi-agency supported accommodation alternative to youth custodial placement, with an aim to build increased life skills, agency and local opportunities into training and employment.
Well done Haringey! It has been a pleasure working with you, and to be able to acknowledge such significant and sustained progress, from a position of strength.
Others can learn much from your outstanding practice.