17-Feb-25 | News

Congratulations to Wirral Area Partnership

Congratulations to the Wirral Area Partnership for attaining Youth Justice SEND Quality Lead Status with a Child First Commendation

Wirral Area Partnership has attained Youth Justice SEND Quality Lead status with a Child First Commendation at the first time of asking, which reflects a team committed to continuous improvement, always searching for new ways and developing new approaches to support children in youth justice pathways, or at risk of entering youth justice provision. The Wirral Team are confident system leaders.

There is exceptionally strong two-way communication between the Youth Justice and SEND Teams, from strategic to operational levels, ensuring that children with emerging needs are quickly identified and supported, fast-tracking provision as required. Information exchange using Liquid Logic and ChildView is immediate and comprehensive. Additionally, as part of a mature multi-agency approach, YJS staff are involved in education/EHCP review meetings, using knowledge gained from regular meetings with children and their families in the community.

Of particular note is the role the Educational Psychologist (EP) linked to YJS plays offering support and guidance to case managers through peer supervision, enhanced case management and training sessions. Trainee EPs are also involved in the assessment/screening process for young people open to YJS under the supervision of Lead EP. Trainee EPs have also been co-producing tools/resources, in particular for interventions relating to harmful sexual behaviours. This is an excellent example of extending service provision through supported work placement.

Preventative work in Wirral is exceptional: Multi-agency Prevention Hub meetings (in existence well before Turn Around initiatives were conceived) provide an operational forum that uses data and local knowledge to identify young people who are at risk of becoming further involved in criminality, anti-social behaviours and non-engagement with education, which are likely to impact their safety and wellbeing and their future life chances. Through this multi-agency process an effective and coordinated package of support is offered to identified young people who may be considered ‘at risk’ by stakeholders across Social Care, Education, Health, Contextual Safeguarding and Youth Justice/Police. The effectiveness of this work is illustrated by zero offences committed by young people open on turnaround post-intervention period in the previous year.

Another system-leading initiative is the Deferred Prosecution pathway. Operation Inclusion is a joint venture between Merseyside Police and Wirral Youth Justice Service to provide an intervention that helps to avoid criminalising young people.

It is also acknowledged that Wirral is one of only seven areas in the country to be selected by the government as a Families First for Children Pathfinder. The initiative establishes multi-disciplinary locality-based teams to deliver an integrated early help and prevention service, developing family network support packages (FNSP) to enable children and young people to stay within the family units.

Well done to Wirral! Child First in so many ways!