20-Nov-18 | News

Disability made top priority by UK employees over age and gender, new workplace survey finds

Disability made top priority by UK employees over age and gender, new workplace survey finds



Disability in the workplace is a hot topic in the media today, with broadcasters such as BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky, along with government ministers, committed to doubling the number of disabled people involved in television by 2020 to make the industry more inclusive. However, it is not just the broadcasters who need to implement a culture of change.

 With 70% of discriminatory queries at The Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS) regarding disability, it is clear that employers are not doing enough to be inclusive to those with a disability. In addition, millennials are known to want to work for companies who are shown to be inclusive and have a diverse workforce as they understand the benefits.

With workplaces not catering for staff with disabilities, there are fewer jobs available for the disabled people, resulting in financial hardship. Disability needs to be made a top priority. 

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Businesses are now realising that being diverse and inclusive has a tangible impact on the company’s bottom line:

  • Driving economic growth
  • Cultivating a more qualified workforce
  • Resulting in happier employees to increase engagement and productivity
  • Attracting top talent
  • A better understanding of their customer base
  • A larger share of the consumer market