Microlink is delighted to sponsor Dyslexia Creates 2019.
The free half-day event, which runs from 12-6pm on Thursday 26 September at V&A South Kensington, will showcase how and why dyslexics are consistently at the fore of creative sectors, and look at how, as our understanding of dyslexia grows, we can change the way society and organisations view dyslexia and embrace its potential.
Highlights will include…
- New theory on why dyslexia evolved, completely reimagining the role of dyslexia in organisations by Dr Helen Taylor, Affiliated Scholar, University of Cambridge
- The creative power of dyslexia and how do dyslexics think differently by actress Lauren McCrostie, and by filmmakers and choreographers Elizabeth Arifien and Charlotte Edmonds
- Why organisations that are embracing dyslexic creative thinking are seeing a competitive advantage by Kainne Clements, Executive Chairman, Academy of Contemporary Music and Metropolis Studios and Aidan Ridyard, Partner, Burrell Foley Fischer Architects.
The event will open with a welcome from V&A Director Tristram Hunt, followed by presentations and panel discussions, and will finish with networking drinks.