Ezekiel lives with motor neurone disease (MND), and is unable to move from the neck down. Her own art – which can take months to make – is created using eye-gaze technology. An infrared bar picks up her eye movements, and this operates an on-screen mouse and keyboard. “Eye-gaze has allowed me to create again,” she says.
She uses this technology not just to make her art, but in many parts of her life – from operating the TV controls to paging her carer, to using social media and writing emails.
“I can’t imagine my life without it and I’m glad I wasn’t born earlier, when we didn’t have great technology. Assistive technology allows people with MND [and other] disabilities to communicate, access the internet and connect with other people,” she says.
Ezekiel’s feelings are mirrored by Microsoft, whose mission is to empower every person. This is achieved through integrating accessibility tech, such as the operating system to support eye-gaze technology, seamlessly alongside its Windows 10 and Office 365 suite.