7-Nov-18 | News

Seven Ways To Close The Diversity And Inclusion Gap That Are Easier Than You Think

Seven Ways To Close The Diversity And Inclusion Gap That Are Easier Than You Think


As Microlink’s CEO, Dr Nasser Siabi says “The sign of an inclusive society is when we remove barriers by carefully designing the work and living environments to cater for those with health conditions or disabilities”.


It’s no secret that organisations with a diverse, inclusive workforce create expansive economic value. They are more creative, more innovative and more agile.

Here are seven easy steps toward a more inclusive organisation:

1. Widen your definition of diversity.  

2. Infuse authentic leadership and energy behind intent.

3. Focus on creating inclusivity in your culture rather than just diversity.

4. Understand that it starts at the very top 

5. Incentivise and recognise small acts of inclusiveness in your organisation. 

6. Invest in talent development. 

7. Partner with key organisations that provide expertise and resources. 

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