17-Jan-22 | News

The Disability:IN 2021 Year In Review

Disability:IN is the leading non-profit resource for business disability inclusion worldwide. Their main aim is to achieve an inclusive global economy where people with disabilities participate fully and meaningfully.
As we’re now three weeks into 2022, the Disability:IN shared their 2021 Year In Review, to reflect on everything that was accomplished, even during a global pandemic. Within their review, they have highlighted the thousands of leaders who have joined IN and played their part towards building an inclusive global economy where people with disabilities are given the tools they need to participate fully and meaningfully. The report mentions:
  • The 96 CEOs who advocate for Inclusion and the Disability Equality Index
  • The 30 Investors representing more than $2.8 trillion in combined assets
  • Over 400 brands who have joined IN
  • Welcoming their new 2021 partners