Professional Development for sustainable change

Coaching- Training

Professional Development for sustainable change


By changing the way that the professional development of your employees and leaders is designed and delivered, Microlink offers you the chance to create and maintain a truly equitable and inclusive workplace.

Coaching and training is a crowded marketplace. It can be difficult for individuals, teams, and organisations to identify programmes which will be effective. At Microlink we promise not to make you sit through slide after slide or read handout after handout. Tired old instructional training methods lead to shallow learning and have little sustained impact on culture and practice.

By contrast, our training plans are meticulously created by industry experts with unique approaches, to enlighten, to encourage deep reflection, and to motivate participants to embrace new ways of thinking and doing.

Microlink’s Training and Coaching is all about active engagement, ownership of learning, and continuous improvement, leading to sustainable results and long-term growth.