We hope schools will be impressed by the interactive content and curated links to other providers.
Click on Free Preview, open an account, and you will automatically get full access.
MARCH 2024: We are now offering a free entry point to view and use our SMHL online professional development platform, as well as offering a coached route through the materials!
We hope schools will be impressed by the interactive content and curated links to other providers.
Click on Free Preview, open an account, and you will automatically get full access.
Learning Level: Beginner, and Intermediate, Advanced Senior Leaders also welcome
This Senior Mental Health Leads (SMHL) training programme is unique.
The Raising Attainment with Wellbeing (RAW) for SMHLs (Senior Mental Health Leaders) Training Programme will help participants put mental health and wellbeing at the heart of learning, teaching and leadership within their learning communities, at a time of considerable social and emotional pressures that extend beyond the school gates.
Not only will participants develop the knowledge and skills specific to the position of SMHL, through understanding their leadership role in creating an inclusive learning environment that supports and nurtures the highest possible levels of emotional wellbeing for children and staff, RAW is a complete and extensive professional development opportunity open to every member of staff, including Governors.
The programme is Department for Education (DfE) quality assured.
Over the duration of a calendar year, through online workshops and coaching sessions plus individual personalised support opportunities, participants will:
You’ll also be able to share best practice with peers from other schools.
The training will be led by a pool of talented coaches, with a vast and varied experience of education improvement and mental health/wellbeing developments.
Raising Attainment with Wellbeing is pioneering a new approach to coaching: Coaching for Wellbeing, supporting a critical systemic move from “a way of doing” to “a way of being”.
This package is available with 8 hours of online support from a dedicated coach.
Each trainee will keep a PLJ (Professional Learning Journal) containing reflective activity, audit frameworks and links back to the extensive bank of materials within RAW, which accumulate to form a senior mental health lead record of professional development.
These journals will form the basis of regular individual online tutorial sessions (minimum of three over the duration of the course) culminating in the submission of a change management plan based on the professional learning and development undertaken during the course.
The RAW Managed Learning Environment has a built-in community of practice element to facilitate sharing and collaboration across all active education settings.
Every teacher, TA, non-teacher and Governor will have full access to the extensive RAW resource bank for the duration of the training programme.
The RAW Managed Learning Environment has a built-in community of practice element to facilitate sharing and collaboration across all active education setting.
As above, available with 16 hours of online support from a dedicated coach.
The learning outcomes are aligned with the eight principles outlined by Public Health England (PHE) and the Department for Education (DfE) in their Promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing: A whole-school or college approach publication. Upon completion of the programme, leads will be able to:
Our programme is for Senior Mental Health Leads, or colleagues aspiring to such a position, at primary schools, secondary schools and colleges in England. We already serve
independent provision, and an international network of schools. This programme has the reach to meet a wide range of wellbeing and mental health imperatives.
It is important that participants have the positional authority to implement strategic whole-school change or have the support of your senior leadership team to fulfil the programmes’ requirements successfully.