What’s new in AT? Now Online
Assistive Technologies are constantly evolving, offering increased capabilities at lower costs than ever before. This is an unmissable opportunity to learn first-hand from AT creators, AT specialists and explore new ways to transform learning and working.
We have decided to run this event as an afternoon sequence of webinar presentations. This is because demand from outside London and Hampshire has been high. By offering webinars, we will give a much wider group of AT enthusiasts access to four amazing initiatives: Lexilens an innovation that is transforming access to the written word for children and adults with Dyslexia, we will have the creator present, video-conferencing from France! Experts from Phonak will explain how technology can not only overcome the significant issues faced by many children due to chronic and acute hearing loss, but also enhance the quality of the learning environment for every child. Sensory Readable a brand new text-to-speech reading tool that is incredibly easy to use and install, ideal for regulated examinations at 16, 18, at University and at primary Key Stage 2 level too. We will also have a presentation on Ergonomics from OrangeBox. This is a wonderful CPD opportunity for anyone passionate about making learning, working, and living more accessible to all.
You are welcome to register even if you have commitments on 21st February: you will receive links to the recordings and slide packs after the event. If you have any questions or queries please contact: education@microlinkpc.com