Workplace Adjustments

A whole new way of functioning in your work environment.

Our WPA Service

Microlink has been providing accessibility solutions to disabled people in work and education since 1992. As such, we are uniquely placed to help your organisation become accessible and inclusive to all disabled people.


Here are some revealing statistics which show the value of investing in a WPA service:

  • 80% employees said their adjustments have helped them stay in their job and help them be more productive.
  • 60% enjoyed their job more since having adjustment in place.
  • 60% of employees with adjustments do not have all the adjustments they need.
  • 34% of employees have not asked for adjustments because they fear their manager would treat them differently.
  • Only 30% of employees were confident their employer would make adjustments for them if they were needed in the future.
  • 25% employees waited over a year to get their adjustments
    in place.
  • Only 24% employees with adjustments regularly speak to their manager (or equivalent) about how well their adjustments are working.
  • Only 19% employees said adjustments remove all barriers they experience in the workplace.
  • 76% reduction in condition related absence
  • 100% of line managers consider it an essential business process.
  • For every £1 pound spent £2.50 is returned


First and foremost, Microlink is the only company offering a comprehensive end-to-end, SLA-driven Workplace Adjustment Service. As such, we have entirely unrivalled experienced providing adjustments for businesses and organisations in both the public and private sector. Microlink’s WPA service is a true one-stop-shop and fully tailored to your organisation’s needs, taking the hassle out of creating an inclusive workplace. We have a unique capacity to offer expertise on accessibility solutions for the built environment, digital assets, inclusive recruitment and occupational health and wellbeing. Our service is based on expertise and communication, we want all our clients to have the best possible experience and that comes through regular contact. That is why from start to finish we provide you with clear documentation and consultation from referral to implementation to review. We offer cutting-edge, innovative products. With our WPA service you will be set up with a catalogue of assistive technology, ergonomic aids, services and training to suit all requirements. Where the required solution involves software we organise licensing arrangements. We even have a fully equipped bus to bring our products to your workplace and demonstrate all the innovative technology we can offer!

Workplace Adjustment Service: MiCase

Workplace Adjustment Service: MiCase

MiCase is our flagship “reasonable adjustment” service. This unique service has been honed over years of practical experience with leading UK employers.
Business Services

Business Services

Practical support for companies of any size or structure. Microlink can enhance existing services or provide help and guidance to begin implementing a new reasonable adjustment process.


Microlink are experts in sourcing products which remove barriers for people with any condition or disability in the workplace. With the right tools, we believe that everybody can achieve their true potential.
The Business Case

The Business Case

Every organisation in the United Kingdom is affected by long term health conditions, mental disorders, learning difficulties or disability in the workforce. Most of these impairments are hidden or non-visible.

Almost one in five people in the UK have a disability. In March 2013, 20.8% of the working age population (16 years – 64 years) in the UK (8.3 million people) had a disability.

Access To Work - General

Access To Work - General

Access To Work (ATW) is a government scheme run by Jobcentre Plus. A2W covers the financial cost of disability solutions that go beyond “reasonable adjustments.” Employers have a legal obligation to make “reasonable adjustments” for their disabled employees under the Equality Act 2010.
Access To Work - Employer

Access To Work - Employer

Access to Work (A2W) is a government grant which picks up where ‘reasonable adjustments’ stop.
A2W helps people with disabilities (long-term physical or mental health) start or stay in work. You either have an employee, or want to hire one, who has a long-term condition or disability. As a recruitment & retention tool, you show existing and potential employees that you care and support them.